sciences and their contribution to geography

ECOLOGY: Science that studies the problems of the environment. In support of geography, geo-ecology originates, a science that studies the environment with the intention of diminishing the impact of man in the natural terrestrial landscape without limiting the survival of the species.

COSMOLOGY: Science that studies the history and evolution of the universe, is closely related to geography being the one that explains the origin of the different characteristics that make up the soils and the matter of the planet.

POLITICS: It is the science that studies the organization of the social strata of human beings. By supporting geography geopolitics originates, which studies the influence that terrestrial resources have on the organization of human society.

ASTRONOMY: Supporting geography arises geo-astronomy. Although much has been studied on the subject, it is not yet accepted as part of the exact sciences the influence of the astral movement on terrestrial events, that is why this science is considered a metaciencia.

BOTANY:Science that studies the plants and the relationship existing between the natural reliefs and their changes thanks to them. An example of these changes is soil erosion due to absence of trees.

DEMOGRAPHY:Science that studies the characteristics of populations and the statistics of settlements according to the availability of resources and the facility provided by the means to develop.

Geo-demography studies the modifications that human settlements cause in the structure of the earth's surface.

SOCIOLOGY: Geographic sociology finds the fourth class of conditions by which social phenomena are determined in the natural physical environment, including such phenomena as climate, natural re- sources, mountain barriers, rivers, harbors, etc.

ECONOMY: Economic geography, the study of the geography of economic activities, developed from a focus on commercial activities and the exploitation of resources for economic gain. ... It has grown to encompass social, cultural, political, and institutional influences that affect the geography of economic activities.

MATHS: A number of ways in which mathematics is used in geography are mentioned. Plane Euclidean geometry is used in surveying small areas in the field, while spherical geometry and trigonometry are required in the construction of map projections, both traditional elements of mathematical geography.

this research wouldn´t be able without the help of:
Mills, B. (2017, 1 abril). Auxiliary Sciences of Geography: 20 Examples. Life Persona.


  1. It's really interesting read about all the science that are related with geography, I think this information is so gripping ♡


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